all postcodes in L24 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L24 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L24 1UA 16 0 53.339221 -2.848942
L24 1UB 16 0 53.343783 -2.857129
L24 1UD 22 0 53.342944 -2.856331
L24 1UE 35 0 53.340442 -2.854253
L24 1UF 22 0 53.339241 -2.849979
L24 1UG 4 1 53.34357 -2.857966
L24 1UH 42 0 53.345103 -2.859904
L24 1UJ 38 0 53.347409 -2.85917
L24 1UL 31 0 53.345412 -2.85934
L24 1UN 46 0 53.345588 -2.858697
L24 1UP 24 0 53.347264 -2.856853
L24 1UR 8 0 53.346657 -2.858704
L24 1US 36 0 53.348278 -2.857084
L24 1UU 2 2 53.337453 -2.850769
L24 1UW 22 0 53.3472 -2.858204
L24 1UY 54 4 53.345198 -2.862579
L24 1XD 4 1 53.336242 -2.87195
L24 1XG 33 0 53.347246 -2.861855
L24 1XH 6 0 53.348615 -2.86014
L24 1XJ 12 0 53.348394 -2.860872